Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Susan Boyle Lives on Strict Allowance Happily

Susan Boyle Lives on Strict Allowance Happily
Susan Boyle

is "quite happy" she lives on a strict allowance controlled by her manager, insisting she would squander her fortune if she had a credit card. The Scottish spinster became a global phenomenon after appearing on U.K. TV contest "" last year and has since sold more than 8.5 million copies of her debut album, "".

But despite amassing more than $15 million in her bank account, the 49 year old survives on a $450 weekly allowance handed to her by her management team. And Boyle is adamant she would have it no other way. She says, "I'm quite happy with that amount. I chose it for myself. It's a good way of doing things. It keeps everything in order. I get what I need when I want it."

"I don't want a credit card, oh no! I'd be like a baby in a sweet shop. I'm happy the way I am. I've never been a big spender anyway. It's nice, all the luxury. But it's nicer to stay grounded. I need my roots. If you don't have that, you lose your sense of balance, you see."


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