Sunday, November 28, 2010

Dennis Rodman Apologizes for Doing Radio Interview

Dennis Rodman Apologizes for Doing Radio Interview
Dennis Rodman

Sports bad boy and recovering alcoholic has apologized to family, friends and fans after phoning in to a radio station while intoxicated and chatting to the host while apparently having sex. The basketball hero-turned-reality TV star called up Miami, Florida DJ Jorge Sedano live on air on Tuesday morning, November 23 to chat about local team the Miami Heat.

But Sedano and listeners got more than they'd bargained for when the woman Rodman was with started audibly moaning and giggling in the background. Rodman's representative tells, "Dennis was clearly intoxicated and doesn't remember much (of what happened). Dennis wants to apologize to his family, friends, and fans."

At that time, the radio DJ was confused when hearing the woman on the background. When he kept asking what was going on, Rodman responded at one point, "She's just sucking something. Sorry! I'm sorry about that. You said keep clean, right?"


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